

Sometimes it is difficult to find errors by editing our own papers. Sometimes it helps to see these erroneous sentences isolated in a list. Look at the sentences below; they are from YOUR essays. Try to point out what the errors are in each sentence. This is a learning exercise. It is not meant to embarrass anyone; therefore, no names will be attached to any sentences.


Essay Errors:

1.       The American man who does not want to deal with a baby and the girl, Jig who plans to keep her baby; both discuss about what to do with the unborn.

2.       Persuading Jig to make up her mind, he explains “they just let the air in and it is perfectly natural” (147).

3.       Interpreting he knows how an operation works and makes it seem like it is something not to be afraid of.

4.       Conformity holds the poer to tradition. It is determines the efficacy of institution and the likelihood of its continuation.

5.       The drawing of the slips of paper in this book is a tradition that has been done for generations in the small town. [topic statement]

6.       With all the traditions not being correct, the village does not acknowledge this.

7.       The villagers being born into this tradition, they have been victimized from their rights.

8.       In the short time following the setting of the time of the story there was a shift in ideas and in morals in society people began to think more outside the box, they were questioning what they had been told and were beginning to rebel.

9.       She responds by talking back and shouts, “we are decent”.

10.   In the story, Tessie states, “It isn’t fair. It isn’t right” (Jackson 449). She states this after her family, and eventually herself, have been chosen to be sacrificed.

11.   For the Hutchinson’s this is a normal thing to do and not out of the ordinary “Get up there, Bill, Mrs. Hutchinson said, and the people near her laughed” (446) until there the ones being chosen to be killed.

12.   They seem to stick with the past “women, wearing faded house dresses and sweaters” (443) with the whole thing that the men have the lead role.