Sample citation of a movie review:

Ebert, Roger. "Twilight". Rev. of Twilight dir. by Catherine Hardwicke. Chicago-Sun  

      Times online. Chicago Sun-Times, 20 October 2008. Web. 02 November 2009.

To cite your reviews internally, since you don't have page numbers, you will use paragraph numbers. Example: (Ebert, par. 4).

If you have an article that has page numbers, or a book, then it looks like this:

(Martin 127).

 Citations with paragraphs need a comma; citations with page numbers do NOT need a comma.

Sample citation of an article in an online database (like Ebschohost or Infotrac).

Martin, John. "Global Warming Strategies." Journal of Science 10.4 (2007): 145-167.

       Ebschohost. Web. 02 November 2009.

Notice that the title of the journal is in italics; what follows is the volume and issue numbers, year of publication, page numbers, search database, and date you retrieved the article.